Tooth Extraction Aftercare: Diet and Pain Management

tooth extraction aftercare

March 3, 2022

Dr. Paltsev

Dr. Paltsev has been practicing at the The Little Green Building since 1998. His areas of interest are restorative dentistry, endodontics, periodontics, dentistry for children, implant and cosmetic dentistry. In simple terms, he likes all aspects of the art and science of the modern dentistry.

After tooth extraction, it is essential to follow all of your tooth extraction aftercare directions. You might worry about how you will manage pain or what you will be able to eat. We’ll share a few essential tips to help you after a dental extraction.

Do you need to schedule an oral health check-up with a local dentist? Try the dental services in Bloor West Village from Little Green Building.

What Can You Eat After an Extraction?

After removing your tooth, your dentist will instruct you to avoid drinking through straws and encourage you to eat soft foods. These instructions protect the tooth socket from drying out and becoming painful. Some soft food ideas might include:

  • Broths and non-chunky soups
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Smoothies (don’t use a straw)
  • Applesauce
  • Pudding and jello

You can introduce foods that require more chewing about a week after the extraction. Go slowly and monitor for any sudden pain as you return to your typical diet.

Managing Pain After a Tooth Extraction

You can follow several steps to encourage the healing process, reduce swelling, and minimize your pain during tooth extraction aftercare.

  1. Your dentist may prescribe an anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, or painkiller to help you manage your pain. Follow the directions your dentist provides. You should always complete the entire course of antibiotics.
  2. Keep the gauze in place over the extraction site for at least four to six hours following the extraction procedure. The gauze protects the socket until the blood clot develops fully.
  3. Rest for at least 24 hours and elevate your head with pillows while relaxing to promote better healing.
  4. Avoid blowing your nose and try to avoid things that trigger sneezing. If you take antihistamines, check with your pharmacist to ensure they won’t interact with your dental prescriptions.
  5. Rinse with saline by combining 8oz of warm water with a pinch of salt to make a simple saline rinse at home. You can begin using the rinse 24hrs after the extraction. Gently rinse and spit so you don’t disturb the protective clot in the empty socket.
  6. You can apply ice packs to the side of your face at ten-minute intervals. Short sessions reduce potential tissue damage and prevent pain and swelling in the area.
  7. Brush gently and avoid the area of extraction. The saline rinse or other medicated mouthwash will be enough for the first couple of weeks.
  8. Avoid smoking and vaping. The concentrated inhalation process can dislodge the protective clot and result in a painful dry socket.

Follow the tooth extraction aftercare instructions above and check out these winter oral healthcare tips. Call Little Green Building at (647) 953-4945 today and schedule your dental appointment.

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