Our Dental Services Include:
Contact us to learn more about any of our services. Call 416-769-8135 or send us a message. We are located near High Park and Bloor West.
Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry
White Fillings
Porcelain Veneers
Crowns and Bridges
When a tooth is badly damaged by decay, broken or heavily restored, a crown ( a cap) is needed to prevent a loss of that tooth. Crowns are made of metal, porcelain or a combination of the two.
Bridges are indicated when one or more teeth are missing. The teeth in front and behind the gap are used as abutments ( supports) and the missing tooth is ” suspended” between them, much like in a regular bridge.
Dental implants are considered when a patient is missing one or several teeth. Essentially an implant is an artificial root made of high quality titanium alloy and placed within the jaw bone. It takes 4-6 months for it to integrate and become one with the bone. Then, a restorative phase begins, when a tooth or several teeth are made and securely mounted on the Implants.
Modern day Implants have over 90% success rate.
Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy or endodontics is a way to save a tooth, that became compromised due to decay, trauma or infection. In many cases there is discomfort, but in others, it’s the dentist who discovers the problem and suggests the treatment.
Root canal therapy consists of cleaning the canals inside the tooth and obturating (sealing) the system of canals to prevent re-occurrence infection. In many cases, a crown is recommended after the treatment as the tooth becomes more brittle and prone to breakage.
Removable Dentures
Periodontics (Treatment of Gum Disease)
Professional Cleaning and Oral Hygiene Instruction
At the Little Green Building we have a wonderful team of experienced dental hygienists who not only will clean your teeth, but thoroughly examine your mouth and alert you and Dr.Paltsev of anything that might require treatment.
Dental radiographs ( X-rays ) are prescribed by the dentist based on your specific situation. They are an invaluable diagnostic tool that allows to detect problems and treat them before it’s too late.
Another important part of every hygiene appointment is oral cancer screening. We check routinely for any suspicious lesions in the mouth, throat and head and neck areas.
As you can see, the value of continuous preventive care is not to be under-estimated.
Bruxism Appliances (Night Guards)
Front teeth often show signes of excessive wear. They get shorter and chip along the incisal edges.
All of those undesirable consequences can be avoided by wearing a night guard, an appliance made by a dentist two short visits.
Sports Protective Mouth Guards
Sleep Apnea Appliances
Snoring usually accompanies that condition. In severe cases the breathing may stop for several minutes and may even be fatal.
If you suspect that you might suffer from sleep apnea, first of all see your family physician and get a referral to a sleep clinic. If the diagnosis of OSA is made, you might be prescribed a CPAP machine or referred to a dentist to be fitted for an appliance.
If it turns out that you don’t have a sleep apnea and you still want to stop snoring and breathe better in your sleep, you can have the same appliance made for you.
A number of our patients use the anti – snoring appliances that we made for them. And report 50 to 100 percent reduction in snoring and improved quality of sleep.
Nitrous Oxyde (Laughing Gas) Available
Laughing gas has been used in dentistry for the past 50 years to reduce axiety and fear of dental treatment in a certain population. So called “dental cowards” may delay a trip to a dentist until it’s an emergency.
It was discovered that Nitrous Oxide when mixed with Oxigen and delivered to your lungs through a nose mask, has a calming effect and takes the ” edge” off, allowing an anxious person to tolerate a dental treatment.
The ease of use, relatively low cost, very few side effects and immediate recovery, make nitrous oxide conscious sedation one of the most popular way to deal with fear and anxiety in a dental setting.
At the Little Green Building we are fully equipped and trained to administer this type of service.

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