Having a good smile is important to help children feel more confident in social situations, be better equipped to meet new people and face new challenges. According to a recent survey by Philips Sonicare for USA Today, 47% of respondents said a great smile is what...
The Little Green Building Dental Blog
Advice from the pros to keep your smile bright!
Top Five Reasons you should be getting a Routine Dental Checkup
Some of us never really grew out of our fear of the dentist. Some of us just don't really think we have time in our busy schedules. Whatever your reason for neglecting your visits to the dentist, in this article I'm going to list the top five reasons that you should...
Top Five Dental Tips for Parents
Most parents know the struggle of not just caring for your children's oral health, but also trying to ingrain those good dental habits from an early age. From skipping out on brushing after a meal to throwing a tantrum when it's time to visit the dentist, parents know...
Should you use an Electronic Toothbrush?
With technology nowadays growing at such an insanely fast rate, it's hard to keep up on what newfangled things you should be switching over to and what you should keep doing like you have all your life. Sometimes we just don't like change, and other times we just...
Top Five Reasons for Tooth Aches
One of the worst and unsettling feelings is when you feel a chronic pain in your tooth. Do I have a cavity? Is my tooth going to fall out? Will the pain go away? All these questions rush through your head when you feel tooth pain. While chronic tooth pain should...
How to Help your Child Get Over their Fear of the Dentist
It seems to be a recurring idea that kids absolutely hate it when they have to go to the dentist. Parents are likely to dread the trip as well as taking their child to the dentist becomes associated with screaming, pouting, and crying. However, what if I told you that...