Dental appliance for sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a common sleep problem that affects millions of people across the world. People of all ages and from any ethnic group can fall victim to this serious condition.
It’s very important to get sleep apnea treated as it not only causes daytime sleepiness, but can also be the root cause of a host of health problems including headaches, dry mouth, gum irritation, weight gain, impotency, cardiovascular diseases (i.e., heart attacks/heart disease/congestive heart failure), memory problems, and high blood pressure.
Snoring is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea. Besides compromising a person’s sleep quality, it also affects others i.e., sleep partners, and other residents of the home as well.
There is good news for people with sleep apnea though, as it has become a much-studied problem over the past few years, and treatment keeps improving as a result.

Surprisingly, the airway passage can be reduced for a few reasons at night such as a person having small jaws, an increase in weight, having a big tongue, or a combination of these and other factors.
When we sleep, we need the equivalent amount of air that we do throughout the day. However, if the airway has been reduced, the air has to go in and out faster to maintain a normal breath. The high speed of air vibrates the tissues in the throat, and that causes unwanted snoring to occur.
Even worse, a reduced airway can actually close either partially (hypopnea) or fully (apnea) which is entering dangerous heart rate territory. Quick awakening happens when the airway becomes enclosed, and a decrease in the blood’s oxygen (among other adverse effects) can also become a reality.
The quantification of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is the number of hypopneas and apneas (breathing pauses) that occur per hour of sleep. Quality sleep is a key component to maintaining and restoring health, and once sleep gets interfered with on a regular basis, it’s easy to comprehend how this affects energy and fatigue during the day, and how it impacts memory impairment as well.
Oral appliances are appliances worn each night when sleeping to help prevent the airway from collapsing. The appliances create more space for air to flow properly. This appliance realigns the tongue and/or obstructive apnea during the sleeping process to produce the desired effect of proper breathing to take place.
This product is a clinically proven therapy to reduce snoring and to treat mild to moderate sleep apnea. The convenient treatment is non-invasive and reversible as no surgical procedures are used.
There are a few different types of oral appliances readily available, and dentists are able to make a determination as to which one is best for each individual’s needs.
An oral appliance fit is done to make using the product comfortable. It’s approximately the size of a mouth guard. A positive statistic to digest is that the majority of patients (a whopping 92%) who wear oral appliances to sleep, either have greatly reduced nasal congestion/snoring or eliminate it altogether.
At The Little Green Building, we help our patients improve their sleep apnea by making custom oral appliances to fit their mouths perfectly. If you suffer from sleep apnea we want to help improve your life, contact us today to learn exactly how.
Night Guard for Snoring
The correct name for the Night Guard for Snoring is Oral Appliance for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. This is one of the most effective solutions for obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. However, it’s not advisable to buy a night guard or other appliances for sleep apnea over-the-counter. In fact, night guards are not quick-fix solutions for snoring. Regulations require you to see a physician first before getting a night guard prescription.

It’s potentially dangerous to wear oral devices like night guards if you have disorders like sleep apnea. Seeing a physician who is a sleep specialist will help you undergo a study that confirms if your snoring is normal or if you have sleep apnea. They will also prescribe appropriate treatment.
What’s more, if you seek professional help, you can get effective treatment options like a custom device specifically designed for you.
Get a Snoring and OSA Appliance at The Little Green Building and see your snoring or severe sleep apnea diminish greatly or stop completely.
Also get more information including types of sleep apnea (i.e., mixed sleep apnea), other signs of sleep apnea, the associated health risks , standard treatment, other treatment for sleep apnea (mandibular repositioning devices), maxillary expansion devices, sleep apnea mouth guards, tongue-stabilizing devices, surgical interventions, non-invasive treatment options or alternative treatment for patients!